Smack Talk

If you like check out and read older content from Aaron Bigelow and his partner in cartooning Alex Harper. Free stories including Big Bounty and The Porkchop! 

Smack Talk is where I talk about whatever’s going on currently in my life. I’ve deleted older posts to clean everything up moving into the new year 2022, giving the site a refresh it needed so much. 

12/26/2021- Hope everyone had a Happy Holidays. I was fortunate to spend the holiday off and with my family and had a great time. I spent today working on new art for the site this morning and then went to see the new Spider-Man movie with my daughter and her boyfriend which was a lot of fun. She surprised me at Christmas saying how much she wanted to see it and I did too so it worked out  perfect as we all had the day off and were able to go together. 

As far as creating it’s been a little slow lately. In September I was moved in my job and had a substantial schedule change to a typical Monday-Friday day schedule in a non creative position that I work full time. I have a good job as a production supervisor so I don’t want to complain, but my creative endeavors do come in 2nd even though they are on my mind most of the time. When I switched hours at work I was assigned a new area to supervise, and while it’s been good it required a lot of focus to learn all of the new information necessary to make my new department go. Any time I put in that much time and energy into learning so much new, it has the tendency to drain my creative battery. Well it’s been a few months now and I’m settling back in and back to the old habits of making new stuff. I’ll work on getting more of it on this site on a regular basis. With that, keep checking back for updates.


